Aus Zeitmangel: Punkrock

4. August 2008, 20:27 Uhr von pantoffelpunk

Eine schöne Version dessen bei Krizzi gesichtet:

Und für meine Freunde aus der Reggaeszene, die es immer noch für cool halten, “Chi-Chi-Verbände” für Homosexuellenverbände oder “Chi-Chi-Patwa” für what the fuck ever zu benutzen, achtet auf Minute 0:44: You´re definitely wrong.

Ich fahre gerne zum Reggae-Festival und freu mich wie Bolle aufs Wochenende, aber mein zu Hause bleibt der Punkrock!

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Christen! Juden! Moslems!

23. Dezember 2007, 00:26 Uhr von pantoffelpunk

“Fuck you, you´re wrong!”


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Kategorie: zermatschtes | Kommentare (3)

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Fat Mike schreibt eine NOFX BandBio…

25. März 2007, 00:26 Uhr von pantoffelpunk

Being in NOFX is easy. There’s nothing easier than being an alcoholic in a punk rock band. We didn’t start out being alcoholics, but we’re definitely gonna finish that way. It all started in the winter of 83. We we’re all 16 and had no idea how to play musical instruments. Lucky for us we wanted to play punk, therefore you didn’t need to know how to do anything. So Melvin, Smelly, and I start writing songs and playing shows in Hollywood. After about a year we start touring the US without even a 7” out. All we had was a demo. We played places like CBGB’s, The Mabuhay Gardens, Blondies, and the Anthrax. No one liked us, but that was OK cuz we we’re having a hell of a good time. So we start recording songs, but none of them we’re good, and we kept on touring, but no one liked us. Years go by. The year was 1989 when we wrote our first good song, “S&M Airlines”. Brett from Bad Religion heard it and signed us to Epitaph records. Then we made the S&M Airlines LP. It was weird, we made a good record and people actually started to like us. Before 89, we had never made more than 200 dollars at a show(lucky to make 100). From there on out things got better. 10 records, and about 15 world tours later, we’re still here, and happier now than ever. Now we can afford the best drugs and booze, and we get comped on tons of great golf courses all over the country. We don’t make videos, we don’t do interviews, and we only play shows in warm months, (good golf weather). We even got a gold record a few years ago. Cool. It never even charted once, but it went gold anyway. So there it is. NOFX, a hella happy punk band. Now if we could only get that asshole out of the white house, everything would be great.

Oh yeah. In 91 we got a second guitarist in the band. His name is El Hefe and he was in “ The Bad News Bears” when he was 12. He played Miguel. See ya.

Fat Mike

Genau darum mag ich NOFX so gern.

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Kategorie: zermatschtes | Kommentare (4)

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